Eating "Clean..." What Does That Really Mean? | Farrell's eXtreme Bodyshaping Twin Cities

So what does clean eating even mean?

If you are like me, you hear the phrase thrown around by everybody from your next door neighbor to your mother-in-law. But what does “clean eating” really mean? Experts like Tosca Reno, author of the Eat-Clean Diet, describes clean eating as consuming a colorful and wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean protein. Clean eating is a simple idea that is based on eating whole foods in their most natural states, the less processing the better. Now this is simple in theory, but with so many interpretations it can be difficult to really nail down what clean eating really is. We at FXB like to think of clean eating as giving our bodies the best nutrients and fuel we can find. Here are a few tips to get the best nutrition to support your new healthy lifestyle:

Limit Processed Foods:
Many processed foods are full of excess sodium, sugar and fat. An easy way to clean up your diet is to look at the ingredient list on packaged foods. If the list is long or includes lots of ingredients that you can’t pronounce, try to stay away from it.

Bump Up Your Veggies:
Vegetables are full of vitamins, with many boasting vitamin A, which is essential for healthy vision and immune function, and vitamin K, which can help keep your bones healthy. Vegetables are also high in heart-healthy fiber, which helps you feel full. Plus, veggies are low in calories, so you can eat lots of them without damaging your waistline. Fresh vegetables are as clean as they come since they are unprocessed and come straight from the farm (just don’t forget to wash them before you eat them!). The recommended daily amount for most adults is 2½ to 3 cups. To make sure you get your fill, try carrots and hummus for a snack, start your meal with a salad, or begin your day with vegetables by adding peppers and onions to an omelet.

Cut Down on Saturated Fat:
You don’t have to cut out fats when you’re eating clean; instead just focus on healthy fats. It’s as simple as swapping out saturated fats (like those in butter, cheese and meat) in favor of healthy fats like olive oil, canola oil and the kind found in nuts and fatty fish. These fats are good for your heart and can help raise your good HDL cholesterol, while saturated fats are associated with increased risk of heart disease and should be limited.

Reduce Alcohol Intake:
Having a cleaner diet also includes cleaning up what you drink. You can still have alcohol, but stay within the recommended limit—one drink per day for women and two for men (one drink equals 5 ounces wine, 1½ ounces liquor or 12 ounces beer). Alcohol in reasonable amounts may be good for your heart, but too much alcohol dehydrates you and adds additional calories to your diet. Steer clear of mixed drinks with lots of added sugar; it’s probably safe to assume that if your drink is neon-colored or came out of a frozen machine, it’s not all that clean.

Un-Sweeten Your Diet:
Most people eat too many added sugars. The American Heart Association recommends no more than about 6 teaspoons per day for women and 9 teaspoons per day for men. To clean up your diet, cut down on added sugars in your diet by limiting sweets like soda, candy and baked goods. Also keep an eye on sugars added to healthier foods like yogurt (choose plain varieties with no added sugar), tomato sauce and cereal. Look for foods without sugar as an ingredient, or make sure it’s listed towards the bottom, which means less of it is used in the food.

Eliminate Refined Grains
Cutting out white flour and refined grains is an easy way to eat cleaner. Refined grains, unlike whole grains, are more processed and often stripped of beneficial nutrients like magnesium, selenium and fiber. Plus, they’re typically found in unhealthy packaged foods, like baked goods and junky snack foods that may also deliver added sugars, saturated fats and extra sodium. Skip the packaged refined carbs like cookies, crackers and cakes altogether, and also swap white rice, white bread and white pasta for brown rice and whole wheat bread and pasta.

Hopefully, these tips have inspired you to clean up your diet and implementing even a few of these simple ideas can help you reach your fitness goals and live a longer and healthier life!

Andover Completes Summer Youth Program 2014!

We would like to congratulate all the kids who completed the FXB Summer Youth Program!  Not only did they improve their aerobic ability, they also gained strength, flexibility, balance and CONFIDENCE!  We hope they made a new friend, reached a goal... had a good time!

Thank you to our wonderful instructors who inspired and motivated our students.  Also, a big thanks goes out to all those who volunteered and/or helped out along the way.

Kids at "Level 10!"  WAY TO GO!

Member Spotlight | FXB Farrell's eXtreme Bodyshaping Twin Cities

Our next member spotlight features Andover's part-time manager, Travis Schulz.  

We checked in with Travis about his experience with FXB Andover and here is what he had to say:

What is your favorite kickboxing exercise?
Right Rounds for Power.

What is your favorite bands exercise?
Standard curl.

Travis showing us his favorite bands exercise, bicep curls, or as we like to call it here, "The Gun Show!"

What is your least favorite kickboxing exercise?
Speed Rounds.

What is your least favorite bands exercise?

What is your favorite protein snack?
Eggs (if I have time), Cliff Bar (if I am on the go).

How long have you been going to FXB?
Just over a year (Started March 2013).

Do you have a favorite FXB Recipe or share with us your favorite healthy recipe.
A whole wheat tortilla with two scrambled eggs, a slice of low fat/skim American cheese, spinach.

What tip or tricks can you share with beginners?
Form, form, form… The key is perfect form! Once you have that, the power and speed will follow.  Stay hydrated and stick to your nutrition.

Tell us your favorite part about FXB!
The people I have met.  Some of my closest friends I have met, have been through FXB.

Travis and some of the friends he has made at FXB Andover.

What is your favorite workout song or music genre?
Macklemore and Ryan Lewis’ “Can’t Hold Us,” otherwise, for kickboxing, anything Alternative or Hip Hop.

How has living life at Level 10 changed your life?
I used to be the shy quiet one in the back of the room, now I am instructing in front of a large group of people.  I would say my confidence has increased 10-fold since I have joined FXB.  If you would have asked me a year ago, if I would be instructing, I would have laughed at that thought.

Travis before his FXB transformation and now.  He is proud of the fact that he has consistently maintained a 20-lb. weight loss at FXB Andover.

What is your favorite healthy thing to eat?
Eggs…I love eggs!

What is your favorite free day splurge?
A big juicy cheeseburger.  Almost a must have on Saturday nights!

Do you have any advice for 10 weekers?
Put in the time and effort.  Results come to those who "leave it all on the mat."

Do you have advice for FIT members? 
Keep being an inspiration to those 10-weekers.  I had so many FIT members give me advice and correct me during my 10 weeks, I think that was the biggest part to my success. 

And furthermore...
I would say, show up every day (10 weekers or FIT), I have found out the hard way what happens when you skip an extended period of time.  Stick to the plan FXB has set in front of you.  Come in with a good attitude and work your butts off!

Thanks to Travis for his continuing dedication and inspiration!

Feeling Sore? | Farrell's eXtreme Bodyshaping Twin Cities

So in Andover we are few weeks into our session and New Hope's  10-week session is underway. We are sure you are filled with excitement, fitness goals, and………….SORE muscles! I remember my first 10 week session, after the first few days I felt like a zombie that had been hit by a truck. Sore muscles are never comfortable, but  wear them with a badge of honor knowing that you pushed your body harder than ever before. On the days when I am really sore relief is definitely in order — here are my go-to ways of easing sore muscles.

Whether it's a hot tub, steam or sauna room, or just a soak in my tub at home, a little heat always does wonders for sore muscles — I always feel less stiff and more relaxed. Applying heat to muscles reduces pain by increasing blood flow to the area, which helps the small muscle tears causing the pain heal faster.

I find that after working out, lengthening sore muscle fibers by stretching eases possible post-workout pain. Although, studies have found that stretching doesn't relieve the lingering pain of a hard FXB session, I feel it makes the new muscle fibers more elastic and healthier. On the other hand, light walking  after an intense workout improves circulation warming up your body, and we already know that a little heat goes a long way to help the pain go away!

Cool down. There's a reason elite athletes swear by the post-workout ice bath — it works. The cold temperature constricts blood vessels, which reduces swelling. And when you come out of the bath, your body warms up quickly, improving circulation, which also helps with the healing process. Because I am not a fan of shocking cold temps, I only use ice for the times when I have a strained muscle or serious injury. Occasionally I am inspired to take a cold shower post-workout, which is said to help the pain causing inflammation.

Even with the best care, we sometimes need a little something extra to ease away the pain. Don't be ashamed to take a pain reliver; it might not help you heal any faster, but it can definitely take the edge off.

Treat your body well and you will be AMAZED at what you can do, and the goals you can accomplish. We are all here to help you succeed and Live at Level 10!