Our next member spotlight features Andover's part-time manager, Travis Schulz.
We checked in with Travis about his experience with FXB Andover and here is what he had to say:
What is your favorite kickboxing exercise?
Right Rounds for Power.
What is your favorite bands exercise?
Standard curl.
Travis showing us his favorite bands exercise, bicep curls, or as we like to call it here, "The Gun Show!"
What is your least favorite kickboxing exercise?
Speed Rounds.
What is your least favorite bands exercise?
What is your favorite protein snack?
Eggs (if I have time), Cliff Bar (if I am on the
How long have you been going to FXB?
Just over a year (Started March
Do you have a favorite FXB Recipe or share with us your favorite healthy recipe.
A whole wheat tortilla with
two scrambled eggs, a slice of low fat/skim American cheese,
What tip or tricks can you share with beginners?
Form, form, form… The key is perfect form! Once you have that, the power
and speed will follow. Stay hydrated and stick to your
Tell us your favorite part about FXB!
The people I have met. Some of my closest friends I have
met, have been through FXB.
Travis and some of the friends he has made at FXB Andover.
What is your favorite workout song or music genre?
Macklemore and Ryan Lewis’ “Can’t Hold Us,” otherwise, for kickboxing, anything Alternative or Hip Hop.
How has living life at Level 10 changed your life?
I used to be the shy quiet one in the back of the
room, now I am instructing in front of a large group of people. I would say my
confidence has increased 10-fold since I have joined FXB. If you would have
asked me a year ago, if I would be instructing, I would have laughed at that
Travis before his FXB transformation and now. He is proud of the fact that he has consistently maintained a 20-lb. weight loss at FXB Andover.
What is your favorite healthy thing to eat?
Eggs…I love eggs!
What is your favorite free day splurge?
A big juicy cheeseburger. Almost a must have on Saturday
Do you have any advice for 10 weekers?
Put in the time and effort. Results come to those who "leave it all on the mat."
Do you have advice for FIT members?
Keep being an inspiration to those 10-weekers. I had so
many FIT members give me advice and correct me during my 10 weeks, I think that
was the biggest part to my success.
And furthermore...
I would say, show up every day (10 weekers or FIT),
I have found out the hard way what happens when you skip an extended period of
time. Stick to the plan FXB has set in front of you. Come in with a good
attitude and work your butts off!
Thanks to Travis for his continuing dedication and inspiration!