Thoughts While Nearing the End of This 10 Weeks


By now you should be experiencing some pretty incredible results in both your physique and how you feel. Remember day one? I sure do. Your body fat is probably at it’s all-time lowest, and your overall fitness is through the roof. Feeling like you can win this FXB 10 week challenge? That is the attitude!  Remember that this is a lifestyle and you have been living it for the past 10 weeks! But before you go and snap that winning “after” shot, use our advice on how to make your after photo the most impressive. And no, it does not involve Photoshop!

Here are a few ways to get the best after photo:

Now is the time to really drop carbs. Because of the FXB eating plan, you’re already eating a lower-carb diet. However, the last few days before your photo shoot day, it’s time to really cut carbs in an effort to deplete your body’s glycogen levels. Glycogen is a fancy name for what carbs get converted to when you eat them. They are stored in your muscles for doing right rounds, chasing busy kids, and even used when opening a bottle of wine…..just saying!  Whether it’s the starch from bread and potatoes, or the sugars in fruits, your body converts these carbs into the sugar, glucose. Glucose can be burned for immediate fuel, and it can be stored in muscles and the liver for later use. To store glucose, the body connects glucose molecules into a long chain, known as glycogen.
When you reduce the amount of carbs you are eating, your body responds by burning fat for fuel. This is exactly what we want to be burning! Also it is very important to reduce the amount of sodium that you are taking in. Many processed foods and seasonings are loaded with sodium so watch for that! Drink lots of water, and I mean lots, this will reduce the retention of water in your body and help get rid of any bloat you may be feeling. Then as you get closer to the final day cut back on water a little and you will be feeling great!

So... Saturday is the big day! Get a good night’s sleep and remember to relax. You have worked so hard and we are so proud of each and every FXB Member. You have just accomplished your first step in gaining better health and living at level 10! But, the journey is not over. Did you know that almost all of our 10-weekers stay on and become FIT members?

On behalf of the entire FXB team and all of the FIT Members, we are truly honored that you have become part of FXB, and I want to personally invite you to become one of our FIT family. Life is beautiful and meant to be enjoyed in a fit and healthy body. You have taken the first step by becoming a 10-weeker, now we encourage you to become FIT Members.  Just wait and see what another 10 weeks can do for your mind, body and soul.

You are strong, you are…..FXB!


Youth Program... Day 3! A Sneak Peek from Andover

Kraig was on the mic this morning as the Andover location got Day 3 underway:

FXB Blaine Member Update

FXB Blaine, 7am member, Tadd Wilson underwent a kidney transplant to donate to his father-in-law.  Check out the blog for updates:

FXB Youth Program Underway!

Here's a quick sneak peek of the Youth Program which started today at FXB Blaine and Andover:

Team FXB at the Mud Games!

Way to go Team FXB!  With over 50 members taking part, FXB Andover & Blaine was well represented at the 2014 Mud Games!

Okay... Now the "Gun Show:"

And... We're off!!!
This year's course was EXTRA muddy, due to the rainfall earlier in the morning.

And... The "AFTER" photo...
And one with Mario Lopez!

Great job Team FXB!!  Now THIS is living life at level 10!  Some came after early morning class, some came tired, some lost shoes along the course!!!  But they came and they ALL FINISHED!

Stay the Course... You Can Do It!

It's week 9 and as you are getting used to the FXB program and getting to know more people at FXB.  It is so important to be mindful of staying motivated every day. We often get e-mails, cards and testimonies on how this program has impacted and improved the health of many people. You can ask the gym managers, and they will say they get told this on a daily basis!

One thing you can be sure of is that while we may be here pushing you, it is YOU that makes this program work. The best intentions are nothing without sweat and determination moving them to reality!  As you know, motivation is the key to this program, and it's crucial to any successful weight-loss effort.

Remember life can just happen, or YOU can make it happen! Whenever you are feeling down or lack motivation, have a heart to heart with yourself. Close your eyes and think about what you want your body to look and feel like. Get as detailed as possible. Then, make a renewed commitment to do what needs to be done, every day, no excuses. I say no excuses because YOU are worth putting first. You deserve to be healthy and live life to the fullest. 

Here is a quick reminder of some of the most important tips to help you stay on track:

Prepare meals ahead of time, eat 6 smaller meals per day, avoid eating empty calories and drink lots of water, and I mean LOTS!  Minimize your sodium, eliminate sugary and processed foods  and make your FXB workouts strong and consistent.  Get enough sleep and try to reduce your stress level (I know, easier said than done, but you can).

Remember to enjoy the journey and do not let anything or anyone (including YOU) stand in your way. You can do this. You are worth every bit of effort to reach your goal. And we all know the truly immeasurable health benefits from losing weight and getting fit, but looking smokin' hot on the beach doesn’t hurt as motivation either!

Staying positive and in the moment isn't always easy, but it makes a huge difference in the end. Understand that you're worth it, be passionate about your goals and dreams, and smile (even when you don't feel like it) 

So...  What are you doing to stay motivated and on track with your health and your dreams???

FXB Goes to Vegas!

We tend to think we are a little different than most "gyms."  Well, actually, we think we are A LOT different than most "gyms!"  Becoming a member at FXB draws you into so much more than just a gym membership.  We truly become like family members.  Why is it that we find ourselves here six days a week, even Saturdays, bright and early?  We do 5k's together, we have BBQ's together, we share things about our personal lives and even, we TRAVEL together!

This year, FXB Andover & Blaine took to the road... or to the sky... to fabulous Las Vegas!

For four days, FXB members explored the strip, took in shows, had decadent dinners, did a little gambling, soaked in some sun by the pool.  Some of us got massages, took a Hoover Dam tour and shopping.  Some BRAVE FXB'ers even went SKY DIVING!

There was some exercising going on too!  Paul Bicha went on a jog... from the Monte Carlo Hotel to the famous Las Vegas sign, about 1.6 miles in the Vegas heat!

And of course, some planking...

The FXB crew will organize another trip again early next spring.  You're NOT going to want to miss out!

Member Spotlight|Michelle Darsow

Our member spotlight features a woman always active and on the go and you could understand why.  Michelle Darsow is a wife, FXB Andover member and mother to five active boys!  Yes, that's right... Five boys!  You can imagine she needs to have the most energy and strength she can throughout her day.

Questions for Michelle:

What's your favorite kickboxing move?  Right jab switch, right round.

What's your favorite exercise on band day?  Squats.

What's your least favorite kickboxing exercise?  Glove kickers.

What's your least favorite exercise on band day?  Chest fly.

What's your favorite protein snack?  Hard boiled eggs.

How long have you been going to FXB?  I started FXB in October of 2012.

What's your favorite FXB Recipe?  Protein pancakes.

Do you have any tips or tricks for other members?  Concentrate on form once you have that down... BAND UP!

What is your favorite part about life at FXB?  The friendships I've made and I love leg day!  I love that Shannon, (Andover instructor), always emphasizes proper form and banding up and additional core work, she amazes me with her strength!  Mikey's, (Blaine instructor), kickboxing classes are always intense.

What's your favorite workout song or music genre?  Hip hop or any music mix Carrie Hachey, (Andover instructor) puts together!

How has living life at Level 10 changed your life?  For the first time in my life I actually enjoy working out.  Other gyms didn’t work for me.  I wasn’t committed and never went.  At Farrell’s I never miss a day unless I’m sick or out of town. Well, scratch the sick. It’s more like, when I’m out of town!  When I miss a day I feel like I missed out on an important family function for the day.  Farrell’s is my morning coffee after my 5AM work out I’m wide awake and ready for the day.

What's your favorite healthy thing to eat?  Peanut Butter on celery or a Rice Cake.

What's your favorite free day splurge?  My new favorite treat is lemon oreos.

Do you have any advice for 10-weekers?  Show up for class every day and give 100% effort. Your workout can be as easy or hard as you make it. Working out 6 days a week is only half of the program.  To achieve the results you are looking for you have to change your diet as well.  It is true what they say - - you can’t out-exercise a bad diet - - trust me I have tried!

Thanks to the Darsows for letting us invade your home!  Next time you are in Andover, say hello to Michelle, if you have not already met her!