It's week 9 and as you are getting used to the FXB program and
getting to know more people at FXB. It is so important to be mindful of staying
motivated every day. We often get e-mails, cards and testimonies on how
this program has impacted and improved the health of many people. You can ask the gym managers, and they will say they get told this on a daily basis!
One thing you can be sure of is that while we may be here
pushing you, it is YOU that makes this program work. The best intentions are
nothing without sweat and determination moving them to reality! As you know,
motivation is the key to this program, and it's crucial to any successful
weight-loss effort.
Remember life can just happen, or YOU can make it happen!
Whenever you are feeling down or lack motivation, have a heart to heart with
yourself. Close your eyes and think about what you want your body to look and
feel like. Get as detailed as possible. Then, make a renewed commitment to do
what needs to be done, every day, no excuses. I say no excuses because YOU are
worth putting first. You deserve to be healthy and live life to the fullest.
Here is a quick reminder of some of the most important tips to help you stay on track:
Prepare meals
ahead of time, eat 6 smaller meals per day, avoid eating empty calories and
drink lots of water, and I mean LOTS! Minimize your sodium, eliminate sugary
and processed foods and make your FXB workouts strong and consistent. Get
enough sleep and try to reduce your stress level (I know, easier said than done,
but you can).
Remember to enjoy the journey and do not let anything or
anyone (including YOU) stand in your way. You can do this. You are worth every
bit of effort to reach your goal. And we all know the truly immeasurable health
benefits from losing weight and getting fit, but looking smokin' hot on the
beach doesn’t hurt as motivation either!
Staying positive and in the moment isn't always easy, but it
makes a huge difference in the end. Understand that you're worth it, be
passionate about your goals and dreams, and smile (even when you don't feel like
So... What are you doing to stay motivated and on track with your health and
your dreams???