Meet the Owner| Spotlight on New Hope's Joe Hill

He's a fan favorite with his booming voice, motivational, kick-your-butt in a nice kind-of-way instructing and friendly personality.  Joe Hill lives and breathes the healthy lifestyle Farrell's promotes.  Let's get to know Joe a little bit better:

What is your favorite kickboxing exercise?

What is your favorite exercise on band day?
Triceps extension.
What is your least favorite kickboxing exercise? 
Wood choppers.
What is your least favorite resistance day exercise?  
What is your favorite protein snack?
Cookie dough Quest bar.
How long have you been going to FXB? 
2 1/2 years.
What tips or tricks do you have for beginners?
Show up!!! Get here and we will take care of the rest... Attendance is the most important part 
Tell us your favorite part about FXB? 
The FXB family!!! My wife and I have become very close with several members.

How much weight have you lost since starting FXB?
26 lbs and counting!
What is your favorite workout song or genre? 

How has living life at Level 10 changed your life
I can't put it all into words. I am a different person thanks to FXB!!!! I eat healthier and am happier than ever!

What is your favorite healthy thing to eat?
I love any kind of fish.
What is your favorite free day splurge?

What advice do you have for 10-weekers?
You decided to make a change, dig deep and make it happen. It isn't supposed to be easy! Proper form will lead to devastating power !!!

What advice do you have for FIT Members?
Stay motivated, continue to improve and never give up. Continue to set new goals for yourself.
What is the most frequently asked question you get about starting Farrell's? 
Is this something I can do? My answer is yes! You can do anything you put your mind to!
Why did you want to open your own Farrell's gym? 
We wanted to be a part of something we really believe in!

Joe and Darcie Hill.