What to Eat After Your Workout| Twin Cities Fitness Program

The Purpose of Post FXB Workout Nutrition
The reason the time after your workout is called the “anabolic phase” is pretty simple to understand.  Anabolism refers to the “building” (or even “rebuilding”) of something. Sometimes we try to overcomplicate a healthy lifestyle when, in fact, it can be pretty straightforward.
In the most basic terms, your POST workout meal is the meal that plays the biggest role in supplying your body with everything it will need to repairreplenishrecover and adapt to the kickboxing or band class you just completed.

Specifically, the goal of the POST FXB workout meal is to accomplish the following:
·         Replenish muscle glycogen (the fuel stored in muscles) that was depleted during your workout.
·         Reduce muscle protein breakdown caused by exercise.
·         Increase muscle protein synthesis (the rate at which your body uses protein to rebuild).
·         Reduce muscle soreness and fatigue (who couldn’t use that!).
·         Greatly enhance overall recovery.
·         Reduce cortisol levels (the stress hormone that triggers our body to store fat).

How To Do It
To make ALL of the above happen successfully, your body only needs 2 things:
1.    Carbs
2.    Protein
Yes you read correctly, the same 2 things your body needs before your workout are the same 2 things your body benefits from after your workout.
So, your primary goal with your POST FXB workout meal is to consume a significant amount of both carbs and protein in some form soon after your workout.
But, why soon after?
Because, after your workout, your body is  primed and ready to accept protein and carbs so it can immediately begin putting these nutrients to good use doing all of the awesome things you want it to be doing (you know building abs and burning fat).
For those reasons, its most often recommended to consume your post workout meal as soon after your workout as you can.
I don’t mean put-down-the-bands-and-start-eating, or eating while cleaning the bags! However, this meal should ideally be eaten within the first 60 minutes after your workout.

So, your biggest goal with your POST workout meal is to consume a good amount of both protein and carbs sometime within the first 30 minutes after your workout.  Now, when we say "carbs," we are not talking about carbs from foods such as baked goods, sodas, french fries, etc.  You want to choose carbs with the most benefit.  Choose those packed with fiber and non-refined sugars.  Examples of good carbs would be appropriate-sized fruits, veggies and foods containing whole grains. 

As long as you are doing that, you are on the right track and on your way to Living at Level 10!

Great job everyone!

The FXB Andover& New Hope Team