Ahhh... Summer and the livin' is easy, right? Yes, summer is a fun-filled, carefree time but, for
many of our neighbors the summer can be anything but carefree. There are many
children in our area who rely on school lunches to get one, or even two of their
meals for the day. So, when school is out for the summer, unfortunately, for some, this means less meals. We typically think of donations in the winter months, but summer is a time when the shelves at our local food donation centers are starting to run low.
What can our FXB gym family do to help those in need? Knowing
that the need is great, we have decided to have a “Clean the
Cupboard” event to gather food for the Anoka County Brotherhood Council, (ACBC)
food shelf in Coon Rapids. After reading about ACBC food shelf and knowing our FXB Andover family... Several things are
1. ACBC does amazing things for our community.
2. Summertime brings a dire need for your donations!
3. The FXB Andover community is a kind and generous one!
4. Donating is good for your health! Studies show "doing good" is beneficial to your overall happiness and health!
ACBC will take all different kinds of canned and boxed foods,
personal supplies such as shampoo, deodorant, etc., (this even includes travel size toiletries). Also, they currently have a desperate need
for cat food ( to help our 4-legged friends too).
So... Beginning today... RIGHT NOW... and
running for a week or so we will have donation containers at the Andover FXB
location. If you have a donation, drop it off and when the containers are full
we will bring them to the ACBC food shelf to help them fulfill their mission of
helping those in need!
Usually we post here about giving those bags the right rounds at FXB Andover, but this time let’s right round hunger, and fill some bags for our community!
Thank you!