Sale on Your Favorite Protein Bars!

I don't know about you, but we here at Andover and New Hope Farrell's FXB are busy. Between work, family, working out and having some fun, we don't exactly have a lot of spare time. We all know how hard we work in the gym, and busy we are in our daily lives, but we do not want to undo all of this work because we forget to pack a lunch, or have to travel for work or shuttle the kids around. Quest bars are a great time-saving solution for our busy lives. Quest bars are like nothing else available. They are not loaded with sugar or chemicals, and they taste great. 

We will be offering our buy 5 get 1 free promotion again tomorrow July 12th in Andover.  So, whether you are a new 10-weeker or a FXB FIT member these bars can be a part of the healthy lifestyle we strive for at FXB.