Yes, water, water and more WATER!!! We hear this all the time, we know we should.. but ARE you drinking enough water and EVERYDAY?
We know the benefits... and there are a PLENITUDE of them. Water helps all the body organs properly function, it flushes toxins our of the body, increases your metabolism, keeps skin moisturized and taut, helps to keep you feeling full, gives you more energy... the list goes on and on.
So, now to help you REMEMBER to keep drinking enough:
Probably the biggest tip to staying ahead of the water game is to have water at your bedside table first thing when you wake up. Drink a good portion before you even get out of bed and definitely before you eat breakfast. If you are a coffee drinker in the morning, tell yourself that you must first drink a glass of water before you allow yourself that coffee. Same goes with lunch, dinner and in-between snacks.
Have the tools handy, to help you WANT to drink the water. Sometimes, simply always having a pack of water bottles on hand helps people grabbing water one by one and keeping that momentum going. Some might have a favorite water bottle that they prefer to always fill up. Having a refillable filtered water pitcher is a great idea for keeping at your desk during the day.
Make deals with yourself. If you reach your hydration goal for the evening, then you can feel confident with that last snack of the night you consume.
There are even apps for keeping track of how much water you are drinking!!
Whatever your trick is... stay focused! The list of benefits is too long to not take this challenge!