It's a New Week! Band Day! Feeling Sore?

It's a new day, a new week and while that does not guarantee perfection, or that there will be no problems in life, it does mean that you have a fresh start to make the best choices for your life and health. You have begun your journey down the path to better fitness.

Take time to live in the moment and make small changes today for tomorrow. The work we put into today will be the life and body we have tomorrow. Remember this journey is a marathon, not a race. You will see results by following the FXB plan. If you are like most new 10 week FXB members you are probably tired and sore, but you are also energized.

Our bodies are machines and need to be given the right fuel to run smoothly and efficiently. There are certain foods that can even help relieve pain.  Here are a three foods to help you Live at Level 10:

Dark Cherries
Fresh or frozen work but definitely choose organic to get the most pain-fighting antioxidant power per bite. Cherries contain
anthocyanins, which work just like aspirin or ibuprofen to turn off the body’s pain signals. Skip the juice and enjoy 20 or so cherries – remember they are a carbohydrate so they will give you quick energy and are best paired with colorful vegetables, healthy anti-inflammatory fats (like nuts and seeds), and proteins (also found in nuts and seeds).

Flax Seeds and Flax Oil
Freshly ground flax seeds and cold-pressed flax oil, contain plentiful amounts of fatty acids known as Omega-3s. Do not cook with flax oil otherwise it will have the opposite affect, irritating the body’s tissues and causing pain.

Raw Walnuts and Walnut Oil
Raw walnuts and walnut oil also contain powerful Omega-3 fatty acids that fight pain and inflammation in the body.

When it comes to pain, food really is the best medicine. Believe in yourself, believe in the FXB plan and your results will come. Thank you for letting FXB Andover and Blaine be part of your new and healthier life.

Every day is a new chance to change your life. What change did you make today? Comment and let us know!