Okay FXB Members, we are one week down into our 10 week challenge and we are already upon another holiday. With Easter comes family gatherings, egg-coloring, good times and a lot of temptations to eat things that may not be the best fuel for our body. While it may be okay to indulge in a few special treats on Sunday, here are some tips to help keep you on track with your health goals:
Try to remember the holiday is just one day. Over the long weekend, try your best to keep your "cheating" to just one meal.
Bring your own healthy dish to the gathering. Knowing you are armed with a healthier option will help curb urges for overindulging.
Sit down and visit with family members outside of the kitchen. Many times we tend to gather around the kitchen countertops... where food is within arm's reach. Encourage conversation in other areas where you will not fall into mindless, unnecessary snacking.
Be mindful of what you are putting on your plate. At your special dinner, make sure to find your protein and healthy greens or vegetables first. Then pick a few things to indulge in but make sure they are small portions.
Get hunting! The traditional Easter egg hunt is the perfect combination of physical activity and fun! Get out there and hide eggs and then follow your kids around when they are seeking them out!
Have a wonderful weekend!