FXB Summer Program for Kids!

Active kids are healthier kids; it’s just that simple.  So establishing a habit of fitness at a young age can be vital to their development. The obvious benefits from exercise include body-based benefits, such as, developing strong muscles, lungs and bones while keeping a healthy weight. In our fast-paced world of electronic devices and hundreds of television channels, we are proud to offer a fitness program that is just for kids!
When kids exercise and play sports, they build a positive self-image through accomplishment and by meeting challenges. They begin sharing an identity with the other kids in the FXB class and this gives a special new group to feel comfortable in. As children gain more independence and confidence they see that they can succeed in many other aspects of their lives.
We sometimes forget that despite not having what we adults feel are “real problems;” kids do experience a large amount of stress. Just as we as adults benefit form intense exercise, an exhausting workout can help kids burn off energy, forget their worries and let go of the things that may be upsetting them. Reduced stress leads to increased focus and a relaxed mind and a happier child.
In the FXB summer youth program children will get the benefit of reduced stress and increased self- confidence. This program is fun and allows each child to go at his or her own pace and comfort level. Doing sit-ups, push-ups and learning how to properly kick the bags can slow a child’s racing mind and reduce their stress, all while having fun.
Increased oxygen to the brain increases focus and learning. The New York Times recently published an article on, “a growing body of evidence,” which suggests active children are able to focus their attention, are quicker to perform simple tasks, have better working memories and have better problem-solving skills than less active children. In turn, they perform better on standardized academic tests. They’ll also reward you by falling asleep earlier and maybe even sleep longer!

There is still time to sign up for the FXB summer program for kids in our and Andover location. Please see any of the FXB staff to get them enrolled today. Classes begin June 15th at 10:30am.  The program includes four 45-minute classes weekly from 10:30am-11:15am for 8 weeks.