Summer... The Season of Grilling, Swimming and... 5K's and Marathons?

So it is that time of year when many FXB'ers start running 5k's , half-marathons and even marathons (yeah you!) but, before any local road race, you're bound to see hundreds of runners milling around, kind of stretching out their calves, hamstrings, and quads, but is this enough?

Traditional "static stretching"— essentially, tugging on a muscle with constant tension to loosen it up does little to get you ready to race. In fact, it may even make your performance worse.  There's a better option for stretching called dynamic stretching.  
Dynamic stretching is much different than static stretching.  Doing dynamic stretches involves putting your joints through the same kinds of motions you'll be using when you work out, which primes you for a good performance.  For example, the runners at Edina High School in Minnesota, which, boasts one of the top cross-country running squads in the nation, spend 5 minutes doing dynamic stretching before every running workout.

Here are some great ideas for our FXB members to run at Level 10:

Hip circles   
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, then place your hands on your hips and rotate your pelvis in large circles parallel to the ground. Do 15 circles clockwise, then 15 circles counter-clockwise. 

Fast skipping
On a flat stretch of road, sidewalk, or grass, skip forward for 15 yards. Focus on taking short, quick steps instead of skipping for height or distance. Repeat one to two times back and forth, and enjoy it! Skip like no one is watching!

High knees
Just like Fun Fridays at FXB! 
Starting from a slow jog or march, exaggerate your knee lift until your knees are rising to the level of your waist and bring your opposite arm up. Drive your leg down and then repeat with the other leg. Maintain for 15 yards, then repeat one to two times.

Walking-Running B-skips
Starting from a walk, raise your knee to waist height, kick out your heel straight forward, and whip it downward. Speed up from a walk and do this every step for 15 yards, then repeat one to two times. Once you've mastered this, you can add a skip to every step.

Leg crossover
While standing upright, begin to shuffle to your left by crossing your right leg over your left, first in front, then behind. Pick up speed while doing so, shuffling for a total of 25 yards to your left. Then shuffle back to your right by crossing your left leg in front, then behind, your left leg. Repeat one to two times.

Backward running
Run backward, kicking your heels up toward your butt. Build up speed and run backward for 25 yards, then turn around and repeat once or twice. Look over your shoulder periodically so you don't trip because if you do there will be no mats to soften your fall!

Enjoy your race and the after-race festivities.  Work hard and play hard, the FXB way!