To ensure success in sticking with the FXB meal plan the entire week... You're going to have to PLAN for that success and that means meal planning for the week ahead. This means there needs to be A LOT of cooking going on on Sunday night. It doesn't have to be pretty, perfect or completely original, just the basics. Prepare the things you know are whole foods, low in carbs and saturated fats. The foods that are the most efficient and clean for your body.
With warmer weather on the way, it is especially easy to grill up several packs of chicken, fish or pork for the protein portion of your meals. But don't stop there! Put veggies and even some fruit on the grill too! Sweet potatoes are great on the grill packed in foil, sprinkle a little cinnamon on too!
You can begin meal planning by making a list of recipes using
the foods off of the list that was on your sign-up sheet. As meal prep Sunday (or whatever day works
for you) becomes a regular part of life you can create a favorites list of recipes
that can be used again and again.
After returning from the grocery store don’t put any of the
groceries away, (unless of course they are frozen and will melt quickly). Group the groceries out on the counter by
recipe. Then pull up your favorites list and get to cooking!
you typically have a protein shake for breakfast, go ahead and still make breakfast
recipes because those make great mid-morning snacks, and/or for a breakfast
on-the-go. If you don’t end up eating them, simply freeze them for a time that
when you know you are in need of a quick and healthy snack! If the recipes call for sautéed chicken or
lean ground meat, cook it in big batches in your biggest pan! That way you are
only prepping chicken and/or lean ground meat once for all the recipes!
For lunches, a simple idea would be to make up a couple big
salads and wrap sandwiches and put them in Tupperware containers
or wrap them in foil individually. You will also find that leftovers from
dinner are also a fast and healthy option for lunches. The biggest goal with
meal prepping is to never be caught without something healthy to eat. We all
work too hard in the gym at FXB to undermine our results by making poor food
choices. You are much more likely to eat healthy food if it is ready to go when
you need it.
all the food is prepped and the recipes are made, put everything in Tupperware containers
and organize it in the fridge according to the day of the week. Then as the week rolls on, just grab and go!
This process can take anywhere from 2-3 hours, but the more you do
it the faster it becomes. It is such a
good feeling knowing that healthy food is just a few steps away. This will
better allow you to eat clean and stick to the FXB nutrition plan.
It really is possible to set yourself up for the whole week of
healthy eating in just one day! If you
are still scratching your head, don’t let it discourage you!!! It can take time
to learn and get in the swing of things. And if that’s you, a great place to
start may be my meal plans…But before you know it, it will become a part of
your routine and you may even find yourself loving it!!!