Week Three Comes to an End

Well, week three is coming to an end, great job everyone. You are getting stronger and healthier everyday! We just wanted to send out an email to remind you of the importance of a few things to help you get the most out of your FXB lifestyle:

If you are like many of us you may have trouble asking for help. But, at FXB you are surrounded by people with the same goals as you. To stick to a fitness program you need support and encouragement from other people so don't be afraid to reach out to your coach, instructor or any FIT member, and don't hesitate to introduce yourself to someone new. We want this process to be fun and the changes you make to be long term. When you build regular exercise and healthy eating into your lifestyle you will view it as a necessity. It’s easy to hit the snooze button when it’s just you, but much harder to leave a friend waiting on the mat.
So start thinking of yourself as an athlete, and not a spectator. Always be setting little goals! Set a weekly goal ( 10, 20 or all of your push-ups from you feet or add a ball to your leg lifts) on your calendar and have some fun. When you are making little goals and push yourself to reach them, you are setting yourself up for a lifetime of better health, happiness, and more energy.
Lastly, make sure to get plenty of water and stretch both before and after class whenever you can. This will help relieve muscle soreness and keep you on track to meeting your fitness goals.

Also, we want to remind our FXB family that our gyms are full of energy and excitement and........tile floors! While children can be brought to the gym on an as-needed basis, for their safety, they must remain seated and not be allowed on the mats during class. The last thing any of us want is for any of our little FXB family members to get hurt.
Remember, believe in yourself, believe in the process and do not be afraid to ask for help and encouragement. Amazing transformations happen on these mats, and yours is happening right now.
You are strong, you are determined, you are an athlete......you are FXB!

FXB Andover and Blaine.